Saturday, May 16, 2009

Whats the next pit stop ?

Whats the next pit stop ? Is like watching the reality show The Amazing race .watching people win or lose in the race ,whether you got first this time but probably got last next time and being eliminated from this competition .
I guess this is life goes ,Now i am not feeling bad or what .I still maintain my happy personalities by learning the environment around me .keep improving and perform to let people know my ability .while if you ask am i feels stress or down mood sometimes ? if i said its a easy thing .then i am lying ,there's no way you will feels happy all the time ,every single minute ,it could become the worst minute in your next hours .We dont know what will happen .

I am happy with the job i have right now ,the relationship with my family members and the sosial people that i used to work and represent .Today During the hours between 2.30-4.30 ,I hate how i couldt handle the situastion during work because I am dissapointed with my own .of why i couldt improve .But i will still learning ...stilll ....and stilll is always about learning isnt it ?

People ask me how old am I ? Am i choosing job over my study ? Why I didt study anymore ? These questions always pop in my head ,because of my age i believe ,including myself [will ask people like that if they were that age] I just reliaze that i always ! ALWAYS ,Answering the same answer :
[ Now i am working but i will plan to study in future ,not now but later ,probably 2 years later ,i still figure out what i wants to study]

The answer to the question doesnt really translate into my head ,it such a shame that i never really think about the question ,the answer that i always giving seem to become a excuse for everything .I really dont know what will happen ,asking myself whats the next pit stop .whats the next pit stop ? But i just couldt see .

Am I seeing myself being a successful human being in future ? I am confident to tell you that i have IT to be that IT Person .but the truth is do I really think that way ? being confident infront other people doesnt mean that i really felt that way of myself ,sometimes i worried about myself .sometimes always thinking the worst thing could happen to myself in future ..... I dont know . i really clueless about everything ....and i shouldt be .

Seeing other people knew what direction they heading to but i still in the same spot ...just like a race ,some people fast ,some people slow but the end people only care about do you made to the pit stop ? at this moment i hope i am ,for least ! i curious about what gonna happen in future ,same time i am really afraid of losing something else .

I know i sounds soo confusing .Because i really am .

Funny thing that happen today. someone asking me a Question today .
I guess my answer shock them ? because i think that i am much perfer working because i feels like i grown so much as a human being after working ,turns out the question that i used to think and annoyed in my head isnt bothering me anymore ,and its pretty childish .

Haha .I dont know ,tomorrow is another new day

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