Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Question & Answer

I stole this from Hui theng blog ,Just copy and paste her format .

1. What is the meaning of Friend?
- A Real Friend will always taking care about you ,no matter where you go or what your decision ,they will respect it and give the best bless in this world .

2. What is your most favourite thing to do ?
- Go out with my family because I apperciate every single moment with them

3. If you are given a chance to reverse your life,will you go back to the past ?
- If i really have that chance ,i will apperciate every single chance in my life because i feels like i lose and miss too much great thing in my life .

4. How old are you?
- 19 Years old

5. Is there someone in your heart right now
- not really ! because my heart is empty and i been hurt by someone too much

6. Do you feel loved in this world ?
- I do because i surround by the family member who give the love and truly understand the meaning

7. What are you afraid to lose the most ?
- My parents because i dont know what will happen I not sure i have the passion to live without them

8. What you wish to do now?
- I wish to have second chance in my life to do something that i should and not regret

9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her ?
- I will when i know she is the one

10.Do you think you are special?
- I do because sometimes i feels like a main character from a hero movie ,haha

11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?
- Dont respect my parents or my decision

12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
- apperciate every single moment with the person u love ,dont regret and embrace it .

13. Do you Hate yourself sometimes ?
- I do ,sometimes i try to kill myself because i hate myself but i wont gonna do it because it will hurt someone who love me soo much

14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Vegetables because it good or me

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
- I actually wants to choose rich [,most people will] but i reliaze that being happy is the best thing in the world ,if there's choice between being rich but not happy .of course i will choose happy because money can buy anything but not happiest

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
- my personalities because soemtimes i did or said something stupid

17. What is the most prized possession that you wish you can bring to Heaven?
- Parents because i love them

18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
- Over you [by chris daughtry]

19. What is your plan when you become an old man or old woman?
- Having many grandson/daughter

20. Do u think ur Life is meaningful enough?
- I think my life is meaningful ..

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