Monday, August 3, 2009

I stand for what I believe

In this world ,Everybody is different ,We all have the different mind ,different dream and different desire .
I believe in hardwork would paid off and when you achieve on something ,you will earn something else much more important .Money isnt something that can balance & define the meaning behind it .if you are not experience it ,then you wont really understands it .

I Pray for the goods in my life ,The Bad Side of my personalities has stop me sometimes ,Thanks for my family specially my supportive parents and sisters who always save me from the mistakes .I Have only have 1 Important thing in my life which is LOVE .
Without it I cant survive alone ,Sorry for not being mature and I always be the love child ,I need to grow up ,My Parents wont be forever next to me ,People will help you but eventually in the end of the day ,is yourself who it can only help your own ,You cant always relay on people to help you .

I stands for what I believe ,its my faith and its my destiny .I might be wrong ,I been did mistakes but i will learn from it .

1 comment:

Honey Hong said... nt in in labuan.
can consider sabah. but labuan is no longer under sabah. how are ya doing?

put la one cbox. i lazy to log in and out.