Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Same ....

Same Question,same regret same answer same guilty same emotion keep runing on my minds .I am just cant stop thinkin about it ,feels like dont even know how to describe ,try to avoid and stop remember but it seems getting worst ,look back to the old photos and only can replie on that ,besides this i hate the fact ,tears drop inside whenever evertime i think ,apperciate every single moment i could ,give all the best but it still not enough ,I did not do my best I am soo regret for it .working working working ,family is the most important in life .

Tears ....I am very sorry .i am very sorry ,i didt have time to spend with your childhood .i wish you could be with us but it cant ,I miss spending time with you ,miss you soo much when you're a baby .still wondering why this become a facts .i hope when you grow up you still remember that i really love you .regret ...still dont know .

everytime see you go ..ur expression tells me why we leave you again .you tell me ur story and confessions .i do love you very very much but i cant keep you even i want to .dont cry .seeing you be with me then just leave it hurry give me tears inside my heart ,everytime getting worst .everytime .I feels like wants to cry now .I dont want to imagine what he thinking ,probably hate me or what but if you are i understand for that ..

stop thinking seems like worst idea ,worst day since yesterday .now all i can do is looking forward to the future because i had miss enough ,embrace the future .journey has already written .i miss you

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