Still looking at the sky ,its so blue and its never been that way ,looking at the mirror ,for a long long time ,i feels great about my apperances ,Probably is the reason that i successfully lose my weight ,the time has pass really fast ,I cant believe that its almost been a year from now ,People who know DEREK doesnt really know Tan Wei Hong ,In memories ,The fat guy who walks infront you doesnt turn out who you expect to be ,looking at my own shadow under the light wondering am i has change ?!
I keep remind myself that Must remember who I used to be and should know how that character feels like ,hate that couldt control what i wish to had but starts to againsting person that who i used to be ,I used to be Fat and i know that kind of feelings and how people would treat you ,as a person like me who used to be somebody shoes ,Shouldt that i should know their feelings better ,but how come i'd critic someone else who i used to looks like ?
Am I change that much ?! Check the comparison carts ,I felt that i had done so many bad's .
I'm too emotional ,I want everything to be perfect ,I can tell you that I hate and love my job at the same moment ,i couldt accept people keep giving my excuses of certain things that couldt be done at the time,for me a task when you couldt handle over ,you are no excuse given but failure tags all over ,that just my rules ,i hate that i being bossy because i hate bossy people but why i had this type of atitude ? thats why we should never judge somebody because characteristic that you hate probably is in one of yours .
Life's is easy at some point ,I dont treat it as hard as people describe ,I know what i am doing and what i am talking ,i know that i keep making mistakes and decision that i should done but am i really chop it and end it like what i should do ? i hope that i am not just keep talking but doesnt achieve it ,must be some evils runs into my mind and telling me to go out of control .
it isnt a excuse but its your choice .I take my choice ,i should be no regret but at some point i always feels guilty